Friday, December 31, 2010

SLEEPOVER... Oh and a happy new year.

Hey! Happy new year! I can't believe it is almost 2011! This year went by so quickly! Well, tonight I am having a sleepover with my BEST cousin Princess Nina. (You can also find her at I can't wait!
Everyone always makes a big deal about the new years. I mean it's great that we are moving into 2011 and all, but, why do we get all hipped up about anyways?? It's just another day isn't it? New years eve, New years day, and the ball drop, is the most anticlimactic thing you can imagine. That's right! "anticlimactic" This public school thing is really paying off! -Anti- against. -Climax- intense point.
So, why does everyone get all hipped up about a new year? I mean what does it mean to you. When I hear "A new year" I thing of a new start. A clean slate. Fresh. Starting off right. And last but not least, RESOLUTIONS. Whats the point of that anyways? I mean yeah I get it like something that you want to do to improve yourself. But WHY?? Do you not like yourself or something? I mean my resolution this year is to try to make all A's or AT LEAST B's. That's mine. Whats yours?
If I have offended anyone in this "New year" blog post, please let me know! Thanks!

You can also visit me and princess Nina at:
Thanks!! =D

This was another post from the great Mamma Goodness Thinks! Enjoy!


Dawn said...

Happy New Year, Mamma Goodness!

Princess Nina said...

I am so happy that we got to do that sleepover. The laughs were the best. Love always Princess Nina!